About AMMEConference language:


The Silver Jubilee International Scientific Conference on "Achievements in Mechanical and Materials Engineering" AMME`2017 is organised in the quarter of a century from the beginning of the initiative in the framework of the International Scientific Congress INPO-AMME together with the 10th Country-wide Scientific Conference on Surface Engineering INPO’2017 and numerous accompanying events. It is a regular encounter of scientists coming from various areas of Materials and Mechanical Engineering to facilitate an exchange of ideas between researchers from all over the world. It gives also the opportunity to present results of efforts of the young PhD students, who make their first steps in the scientific society. To make these meetings even more fruitful, many accompanying events give the opportunity to meet participants of various scientific projects and networks. The event's participants feature an excellent forum to witness awarding those contributors, who have the greatest merits to the development of the activities exerted , in this field.

The AMME conference in its highly successful series acquires a new level both in terms of the scope and geographical range. The contributors have come so far from the Americas, Asia, Australia, Africa and Europe. The conferences in this series were very fruitful as proceedings of these conferences totaled nearly 3600 papers and ca. 550 in the extended version in Journal of Materials Processing Technology (indexed by Thomson Reuters), ca. 2000 in Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, ca. 1000 in Archives of Materials Science and Engineering, ca. 30 in Archives of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering and ca. 100 in journals of the Inderscience Publishers in Switzerland and Great Britain. All accepted abstracts of AMME`2017 Conference are published in the Conference Programme and Proceedings.

As usually the carefully selected full papers will be published in the following journals:

the Worldwide Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering by Elsevier and the International OCSCO World Press, Gliwice-Campinas-Portland-Madrid-Daejeon-Brisbane-Cairo (under the patronage of the World Academy of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering in collaboration with the Committee of Materials Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the International Federation of Heat Treatment and Surface Engineering indexed by Directory of Open Access Journals, Google Scholars, Urlich's Periodical Directory, Scirus, Compandex, CiteSeer, GetCited and Web of science, Engineering Village, Public Knowledge Project, Edith Cowan University’s Institutional Repository, Journals Online has begun. (12 points for Polish delegates)

Archives of Materials Science and Engineering by the International OCSCO World Press, Gliwice – Sao Paulo – Athens – Osaka – Doha – Worcester – Auckland – Szczecin – Singapore (under the patronage of the World Academy of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering in collaboration with the Committee of Materials Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences indexed by Directory of Open Access Journals, Google Scholars, Urlich's Periodical Directory, Scirus, Scopus. The procedure of its registration in the databases of Compandex, CiteSeer, GetCited and Web of science, Engineering Village, Public Knowledge Project, Edith Cowan University’s Institutional Repository, Journals Online has begun (13 points for Polish delegates)

Since their origin, the AMME conferences have featured the forum where new workgroups were coined that later submitted proposals of international projects within CEEPUS, COPERNICUS, TEMPUS, LLP-ERASMUS, ERASMUS+ programmes' frameworks and the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh Framework Programmes forced on the European Union activities in the field of research, technology and demonstration. Accompanying events including the General Assembly of the World Academy of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, the General Assembly of the Association of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering, meetings of the Bodies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, workshops, panels accompany the Conference this year.

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INPO-AMME Congress
Accompanying events
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